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THE GRANADO INSTITUTE sponsors awards for scientific initiation, master's and doctoral projects in the areas of environment, chemistry, biochemistry, materials engineering, biomedical engineering, agriculture, medicine and education.
It also sponsors the publication of books, scientific articles, participation in congresses and the preparation of didactic and audio-visual materials for science education.
Example of some sponsorships:
Publication of books
- Title: History of Chemistry Volume I and Volume II
Author: Juergen Heinrich Maar
Number of pages: 946 (Volume I) and 1182 (Volume II)
Format: 16 cm x 23 cm
Printing: 2,100 copies
Synopsis: It is the most complete work of History of Chemistry in the Portuguese language. This is an intelligible history of chemistry not just for chemists. It is the History of Chemistry as an integral part of the History of Science, integrating then to the cultural history of Humanity. The author shows that Chemistry goes beyond the test tubes and complicated equipment, having its humanistic and cultural side, understanding humanism and culture as widely as possible. Volume I covers the beginnings of Chemistry until Lavoisier. Volume II goes from Lavoisier to Mendeleev's periodic system.

Volume I

Volume II
- Title: The Color of Life
Author: George Jonas
Number of pages: 272
Format: 16 cm x 23 cm
Print run: 2000 copies
This book deals with the biography of Hungarian Chemist and Filmmaker George Jonas.
George Jonas was born in Hungary, suffered the atrocities of World War II, and, like many, he fled to Italy, then to Argentina, Bolivia and finally settled in Brazil. His studies in Chemistry led him to develop an unprecedented process at the time for the production of photographic emulsions and cinema films, called “Quimicolor”. In the field of Photochemistry, he was a professor in Bolivia and collaborated with Physicist Cesar Lattes in the development and production of photographic emulsions that allowed the discovery of the subatomic particle, known as Mésonπ (pi). In addition to all his entrepreneurship in Chemistry, he also undertook in “Cinematographic Art”, having been a Producer and Director of several movies, such as the first movie version of the classic work of the Brazilian writer Ariano Suassuna, “A Compadecida” (Known as “A Dog’s Will”) , a colorful feature film released in 1969 and awarded internationally.
- Title: Guide to Chemical Elements
Author: Nilton Pereira Alves Granado
Number of pages: 144
Format: 15.5 cm x 21 cm
Printing: 5,000 copies
Synopsis: It tells a brief history of the evolution of Chemistry, mainly addressing the concept of chemical element from ancient Greece to the latest current discoveries. It presents several tables with data, such as the chronology of the discovery of chemical elements, abundances in nature, their sources, and the processes of formation of elements in the universe.
- “Monteiro Lobato” Award granted to Mrs. Maria Lúcia Ribeiro Guimarães on 12/2019 for her work of conservation of the Historical and Cultural Heritage where Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato - who stood out in children's literature- lived.
Prize amount: R$ 20,000.00

House where the writer “Monteiro Lobato” lived